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Moore's sadness

 Moore s sadness

Suddenly he thought of his ugly legs with his croaking and ugly voice  so he suddenly became sad.

  Today was a lovely and beautiful rainy day It was raining lightly All the animals of the forest were very happy with the human beings.

  Suddenly he thought of his ugly legs with his croaking and ugly voice, then he became sad for a moment  His face turned pale and tears came in his eyes His eyes fell on a bubble  He was sitting on a branch of a nearby tree.

  Hearing his voice Moore said to himself "How beautiful is his voice Humans or animals are all crazy about his voice but when I make my voice heard  everyone makes fun of me How unfortunate I am too.

 At that moment an old man appeared in the forest and said to Moore Why do you look so upset and upset Moore looked at the old man and sobbed saying  He is beautiful but all this beauty is useless for me because my voice is so harsh and ugly that everyone who hears it laughs.

  The elder lovingly said You are the only bird that looks sad and anxious  God has bestowed many blessings on His creatures.

  You have been endowed with beauty and beauty The power of the eagle has been given The bubble has a sweet and sarcastic voice.

 so do not worry about your shortcomings but learn to live with your shortcomings There is happiness and contentment in it.

  Moore was embarrassed to hear the elder s words and said  You are right who should give thanks to Allah in every situation I am thankful to Allah that Allah has given me a beautiful one  He stopped living and started living happily.

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