It is narrated on the authority of Uday ibn Hatim that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him said.
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Allaah will speak to each of you and there will be no gap between him and Allaah, then he will look to his right.
You will see your deeds and if you look to the left you will see only your deeds and if you look to the front then you will see fire Reported by.
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Forms of torment on the Day of Resurrection 1 It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him said.
The hair will be plucked from the abundance of the poison and on his head will be pieces of flesh like dosing.
Wealth, I am your treasure, then the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace, recited the following verse Don't think that Kanjavi is better for you.
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The inheritance of the heavens and the earth Al-Imran 1 is for Allah alone and whatever you are doing, Is aware of Narrated by Al-Bukhari
Û²Û³Û° ٫ Û¸ Fatah 2- It is narrated from Hazrat Abu.
Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him said A plate of fire will be made to warm it and to scorch its sides, forehead and back and when it cools down then it will be heated in the same way and that day.
The day is fifty thousand years until judgment is made between the servants, then he will see his way either to heaven or to hell It was said: O Messenger of Allah.
Yes, the one who has not paid his dues, and one of his dues is that on the day he is brought to the water, he should be given two milks Arab custom was to water the camels on the third or fourth day Take.
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On the Day of Resurrection he will be thrown face down on the ground, and the camels will be fatter than he was in the world.
Not one of the camels will be spared, and the camels will trample it with their feet and bite it with their mouths.
On that day, the amount of which will be fifty thousand years, until Allah will judge between His servants What about goats and cows He said.
Yes, even a goat or a cow that does not pay its dues On the Day of Resurrection it will be thrown face down on the ground, and the cow and the goats will all come and not one of them will be spared.
None of them will have a crooked horn, nor one without horns, nor one with broken horns She will strike him with her horns.
And trample him down from her homes If it passes over it, the other one will do the same ie trample it one after the other.
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Forms of the torment of Hell 1 It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him said It will remain inside.
And whoever commits suicide by drinking poison, his poison will be in his hand, and he will be loved in hell, and he will abide therein forever.
I will be the one he will keep beating in his stomach and will always be inside him forever Narrated by Al-Bukhari 1/2 Fath wa Muslim 1/2 Nov 2- It is narrated from Ibn Abbas.
That I heard the Messenger of Allah SAW saying that every painter will go to Hell and every picture that he has made.
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The soul will be blown into hell which will torment him in hell Narrated by Muslim 2/1 Nov 2- It is narrated from Ahnaf bin Qais that I was sitting with some people of Quraysh when a man came.
And his hair and clothes and appearance were hard and rough and he was standing by the people He greeted them and said that he had given good tidings to.
The treasurer of a hot stone which would be heated in the fire of Hell and then it would be placed on his chest till it became the bone of his shoulder.
It will come out, then it will be placed on his shoulder bone until it comes out from the top of his chest, it will tremble, then the man turned and sat leaning against a pillar, I also went and sat beside him, although I did not know who he was.
I told him that people were very offended by what you said He said that they do not understand My friend told me I said Who is your friend He said.
The Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him said O Abu Dharr, do you see the mountains of Uhud.
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They will send me on a mission I said Yes, O Messenger of Allah He said l wish there was as much gold as Mount Uhud, which I should spend in full except three dinars.
But these people do not understand but are gathering the world. By Allah, I will not ask them about the world and I will not ask any fatwa about religion till I meet Allah Narrated by Al-Bukhari 1/2 Fath and Muslim 2/3 Nov S.
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Account of the Believers 1- It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him said.
Do you know this sin Do you know this sin He will say yes, O Lord! Until he confesses his sins to him and he thinks he is dead, Allah will say I hid him in the world and today I forgive him, then reward him for his good deeds.
The Book will be given and the disbelievers and the hypocrites will be called before the people. These are they who have forged a lie against their Lord.
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What will take people to Hell the most It is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah saw was asked which thing will take people to Paradise the most? He said.
Fear of God and good manners And you were asked what will take people to hell the most He said Mouth and private parts so whoever wants to escape from Hell it is obligatory upon him to protect his tongue and private parts.
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi in the book Al-Abr and Salat Bab Majaa fi Hasan al-Khalq wa Hasan Hasan Sahih.
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If one studies it one will get a sense of God's mercy reward and luxury and its importance and dignity in the face of divine wrath and its severity.
At the same time, he will strive to be deserving of Paradise through all kinds of acts of worship almsgiving supplication repentance and asking for forgiveness.
After the publication of a short but comprehensive book by Allama Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawzi may Allah have mercy on him on the subject of.
Paradise Get in the habit of seeking and doing righteous deeds while avoiding sins and getting in the habit of repentance and forgiveness for salvation from Hell.