He will prostrate before Hell and he will not be able to prostrate who used to prostrate to show it.
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then he will try to prostrate then his back will become hard like a plate throne then one I will be brought and he will be placed in the midst of Hell.
We said o messenger of allah he said there is a place for slipping of feet on which there is a crooked hollow and rods, a spreading thorny plant whose thorns are crooked.
The bridge will pass like a blink of an eye and a flash of lightning and light and like a great speeding horseman, so people will be saved in the middle.
Hell will come to you and you will not be able to ask me for the truth after the truth has become manifest, as hard as the believers will ask their lord on that day.
so when they see that they are saved and the rest of the brothers will say o our lord these are our brothers who used to pray with us fast and do good deeds.
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Believe in hell take it out then allah will forbid hell for them so they will bring them up to half of their legs the believers will take out those whom they recognize.
then they will return then allah will say go, and whoever has faith in his heart equal to half a dinar then take him out.
They will recognize it they will take it out then they will come back then allah almighty will say go take out the one in whose heart you have even the slightest faith, so they will take out the one whom they will recognize.
Hazrat abu saeed al-khudri said If you do not believe me, then recite this verse of the holy qur'an.
Gives nisa 4 then the prophet, the believer and the angels will intercede then allah will say my intercession is left will be given.
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Hell, which is called ma'alhiyat, will come to both sides of this canal as if a grain grows in the garbage of a flood.
You must have seen that some of it is towards the rock and some towards the tree when it is towards the sun.
it turns green, and when it falls towards the shadow, it turns white, then they will come out like pearls, then their necks will be sealed and they will be admitted to paradise. they will go.
then the people of paradise will say these are the people whom allah has set free. allah has admitted them into Paradise without any deed and without any good.
Then it will be said to them: Seen and there is more like it narrated by al-bukhari 1/2, Fateh and muslim 1/2, nawawi remember me one day or scare me somewhere.
narrated by al-tirmidhi 2. It is narrated from hazrat Abu musa al-ash'ari that the messenger of allah, may allah bless him and grant him peace said those people.
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They will say hell, then the disbelievers will say did not your Islam benefit you you are with us in hell. then the muslims will say ye were sinners.
He will command the people of qibla to be expelled, then when they see the people of hell, they will say, If only we were muslims, we would be expelled from hell in the same way as these people have been expelled.
The ash'aris say that the messenger of allah peace and blessings of allah be upon him recited the following verse.
Infidels will aspire to be muslims. 1. It is narrated from hazrat anas that the holy prophet saw said four men will be taken out of hell and will be presented before allah.
That when you have expelled me from it, you will not re-enter it, so allah hijr 5-7.
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Army of hell 1- It is narrated from aazrat abu saeed al-khudri that the messenger of allah said allah almighty will say.
O adam! adam peace be upon him will say be present, o lord, in whose hand is goodness he said then allah will say.
Take out the army of hell allaah says interpretation of the meaning ninety-nine out of a thousand.
They will not be drunk, but the punishment of allah is severe. When the Prophet peace and blessings of.
Allaah be upon him narrated this hadeeth, the companions became terrified and said o messenger of allaah now what hope one in a thousand.
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Hell man, I don't know who he will be he said do not be afraid or count the disbelievers of gog and magog a thousand of them against one of you.
You will be half of all the people of Paradise, because your relationship with other nations is like a white hair in the skin of a black bull or like a vaccine stain in the hand of a donkey.
The battle of paradise and hell. It is narrated from hazrat abu hurayrah that the messenger of allah may peace be upon him said.
There will be a battle between paradise and hell they will fall down and will enter weakly then allah will say to paradise surely you are my mercy.
And I will fill each and every one of you, hell will not be filled until allah almighty starts to put one of his feet in it.
Then she will say no, not at all and at that time it will be filled and some of it and allah will not wrong anyone in his creation and allah almighty for paradise.
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Allaah says interpretation of the meaning whoever opposes allaah and his messenger peace and blessings of allaah be upon him and his messenger peace and blessings of.
Allaah be upon him 63 In which he will abide forever is a great disgrace and he said so enter the gates of hell, then enter the gates of hell for ever and ever.
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Hell and he said: this is the only thing that will come to allah as hell, there will be no death in it and no sinner.
1- It is narrated on the authority of hazrat abdullah bin umar that the messenger of allah may allah bless him and grant him peace said then he will be slaughtered then a caller will cry out.
O people of paradise! no more death, and o people of hell no more death, then the happiness of the people of Paradise will increase and the sorrow of the people of h
ell will increase narrated by muslim. 2/2 Nov.
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Allaah says interpretation of the meaning 1- It is narrated on the authority of abu hurayrah that the messenger of allah may peace be upon him said.
Allah will gather the people, then the believers will rise until paradise is near to them, then they will come to adam peace be upon him and say.
Our father open the door of paradise they will say it was your father adam's mistake that drove you out of paradise I am not worthy of it.
go to my son ibrahim khalil allah I am not worthy of it. I was only a friend of allah from behind.