A plunger of hell will forget all the blessings of this world o unjust people al-anbiya 46 o woe to us surely we were sinners 1- It is narrated on the authority of anas that the aessenger of allah.
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May allah bless him and grant him peace said o son of adam have you seen any good and has any blessing passed from you he will say by allah o lord and the people of paradise.
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A person from hell who lived the most miserable life in the world will be given a dive in heaven, then he will be asked o son of adam! have you seen the.
hardships and the hardships that have befallen you he will say by allah o my lord, no hardship has passed me by and I have never seen any trouble reported by l.
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Allaah says interpretation of the meaning The torment of Hell will be lightened for them tomorrow as well.
Take it out, we will do good deeds in remembrance of him as opposed to the remembrance of those who used to do evil deeds allah says fuzuqwa fama la la zalimin man ga.
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Hell naseer fatir 3/36 he who has to understand he can understand and the warner has come to you allaah says interpretation of the meaning.
That is they will shout and run allaah says interpretation of the meaning filling with anger and sniffing will make zika muqarnain claim and when I am thrown into a narrow.
Place of hell in a tight unassuming day the musk will be thrown tightly and the only claim will be a lot of death they will be told do not call for one death today but call for many deaths.
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Hell the guitar the sixteenth chapter of the year please like the word of qawla taha 1 sarah also said say allah is the intercessor of all.
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Hell and said and those who claim that those whom they invoke besides allah are the ones who do not have intercession except man they do not have the power of intercession.
Let them knowb It is narrated from hazrat abu saeed al-khudri that the prophet peace and blessings of allaah be upon him said the people of paradise will enter paradise.
And the people of hell will enter hell then allaah will say get them out of hell then they will be taken out of hell while they have become completely black.
Then they will be thrown into the river of life then they will burn like the water of a flowing stream fire comes near.
Did you not see that it comes out of the wrapped hawaz rudrang he said those of the people of hell who deserve hell will not die there nor will they live except those ie believers who have Hell.
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The fire of hell will have seized them for their sins allah will put them to death until they become like coal intercession will be permitted.
And they will be brought in groups It will be scattered near the canals then it will be said o people of Paradise! pour water on them.
so they will grow like grains in a flood of garbage narrated by muslim 2/3 nov It is narrated from hazrat abu Saeed al-khudri that the messenger of allah may peace be upon him said.
Some people will come out of the fire of Hell who have been burnt like coal, then the people of Paradise will pour water on them which They will start a fire just like a wooden plant grows in a flooded place.
Narrated by ahmad 2. It is narrated from hazrat abu Saeed al-khudri may allah be pleased with him that the messenger of allah may peace be upon him said aahih al-albani Fi al-sahiha barqam.
2- It is narrated from abu saeed Al-Khudri that we asked shall we see our lord on the day of Resurrection you have.
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Hell said do you feel any hindrance in seeing the sun and moon when there is no cloud we said no, you said.
In the same way you will not feel any difficulty in seeing your oord on that day the cross will go with its cross and the idolaters will go with their idols and every god will go with his god.
except those who used to worship allah in which there will be good and bad and the people of the book the rest of my children.
Then hell will be brought and it will be presented as if it were a mirage worshiped they will say we used to worship the beloved son of allah then the caller will say.
You have lied, allah has no wife and son, then what do you want ahey will say We wish that give us water.
they will be told to drink water then they will fall into Hell one after another, then the Christians will be asked who do you worship.
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They will say we used to worship sahih Ibn allah they will be told, You have lied allah has no wife or son.
Then what do you want they will say We want you to give us water they will be told drink water then they will fall into hell, one after the other.
There will be others and elders too then they will be asked why did you stay when the people left they will say even in this world, when we needed these misguided people more than we need today.
We did not support them we heard a caller crying out that every nation that used to worship then he said allah will come to them in a form different from the form in which they saw allah for the first time and will say I am yours.
Then they will say are you our lord then only the prophets will talk to tllah Then Allah will say Is there any sign between you.
And allah that you know they will say the shin, so allah will open his shin then every believer will have it.