Mumtaz Bibi and Amir Khan were living a happy life in a small two-room house with their children Shabir Mubeen and a daughter Saadia In a small village if nothing else there were many relationships Which are more than many material things
Mumtaz Bibi and Amir Khan's eldest son Shabir used to work in the city while the youngest son was a car conductor from Mubeen village and daughter Saadia was a seventh grade student And his brother also lived near his house
He had a good relationship with his sister but his brother was a little angry with him Life was going on in such a way that Mumtaz Bibi started getting sick
She was getting weaker and weaker day by day Sometimes there was pain in her head and sometimes there was pain in her stomach
Sadia s helplessness also began to be disturbed Her mother's worries did not end when a calamity befell her Sadia s younger brother Mubeen fell from the car and was rushed to the hospital He was working on his car
After being unconscious in the hospital for three days Moti left her mother and sister and went away forever
First the disease and then the separation of the liver corner shook Mumtaz Bibi and she was hit by four legs Amir Khan's condition was also something like his back was broken
Mumtaz Bibi could not bear the burden of her sorrows for long and passed away Like everything of Amir Khan and Sadia s brother And the month of Ramadan has come
In the past Sadia used to make food from the neighborhood but now it has become a bit of a problem
Amir Khan was mingling with the grief of his wife and son inside
Sadia and Shabbir were left alone in this world Now Saadia s aunt who used to live near their house decided to marry Shabbir
And Shabbir will get support For this purpose he started looking for a girl
And then my mom got sick I want to get married in the house my mom wanted
Then they took the relationship and went to him and he said yes Preparations for the wedding started and soon the marriage took place
Sadia was also very happy with the arrival of her sister-in-law
And Shabbir was also a little satisfied As the days passed Sadia s cousin asked for Sadia s hand for her son but Shabbir refused
And now how can I give you the relationship of sister At this point he broke all ties with them and left
Sadia and Shabbir s aunt who was their support after her mother contracted a life-threatening illness and after a few days in the city's main hospital she passed away
For Sadia and Shabbir what does a sad person think and what happens After his aunt left his grief became fresh again He became exhausted from the shock
Time is the greatest ointment which heals even the biggest wounds slowly Time passed and then Sadia s uncles asked for Sadia s relationship for their son and Shabbir agreed
In the name of engagement, only language was given After that Sadia and her sister-in-law went to the city with Ayesha Shabbir where Shabbir used to work Ayesha proved to be a good wife and good sister-in-law Mingled with Sadia
Whenever Shabbir was on leave from his job he would come to Saadia and Ayesha Kole village where there were memories of his parents and dear brother whom he could not forget
In the life of Shabbir and Saadia although there were sorrows like mountains and their life was a story of sorrows but they did not lose patience and in the end happiness became their destiny