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Extreme cold in Syria, forcing locals to use missiles as heaters

 Extreme cold in Syria, forcing locals to use missiles as heaters

Due to the ongoing civil war in Syria, people turned to missiles as heaters to get warm in the winter.

 According to a report by a foreign news agency, a man named Asad al Obeid recycled a missile in his house in the city of Jassar al Shughar in the Syrian province of Idlib and turned it into a heater.

 Assad al Obeid a Syrian citizen, says that due to the ongoing war in the country  people here cannot afford to buy heaters  so other people  including women and children, keep searching in the area for missiles and rockets that have fallen Don t be.

 Asad said he also found the missile near his house which he turned into a heater from a nearby blacksmith.

 According to the report  local blacksmiths carefully unload rockets and missiles at a distance of 28 to 32 cm  making them usable as heaters  Missile ammunition is purchased by miners to build tunnels or break rocks.

 However  it is also worth mentioning here that people are doing this dangerous work without fear which could take their precious lives.

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